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IIM Ahmedabad Financial Reporting & Corporate Governance

(FRCG) - Batch 2

A good understanding of financial statements is important for making business decisions. A proper analysis of financial statements can provide meaningful insights into a company’s financial performance and position. In addition, it is also critical to disseminate financial information to external stakeholders in a transparent way. Thus, the programme aims at providing basic knowledge in financial accounting, financial statement analysis and corporate governance.

The current batch is closed. Please enter your details here and we will update you on next batches

Programme Overview

The programme focuses on financial accounting, financial statement analysis and corporate governance. To start with, the programme will cover the financial reporting framework; mechanics related to preparation of balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement, which will be followed by tools and techniques of financial statement analysis. The programme will also acquaint participants with issues related to fraud, earnings manipulation and corporate governance.

Programme Objective

Gain essential accounting and analytical knowledge to evaluate a company’s financial performance and financial position.

Learn tools and techniques of financial statement analysis.

Assess the causes and consequences of fraud and earnings manipulation.

Understand the implications of good and bad corporate governance.

Who Should Apply

Applications with Credentials & Corporate Nominations – Selections will be based on a detailed profile of a candidate in her/his own words elaborating her/his Academic record,
Profile, Designation, Salary, Roles, Responsibilities, Job Description, and a write-up on “Expectations from the Programme”.

How to Apply

Interested candidates may apply using the application link:
Or call on Mobile: 8929010903 for assistance or write to

Payment of Fees


As per the offer letter INR 95,500/- + GST
November 10, 2023 INR 95,500/- + GST

Please Note

* GST will be charged extra on these components; at present it is @18%.

Important Dates

19th August 2023 Application Closure Date (last phase)

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