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Does your organisational strategy prioritise upskilling?

In a knowledge-driven economy where innovation is crucial and technological shifts are occurring at breakneck speed, integrating upskilling into your organisational strategy becomes all the more pronounced. According to a study by Boston Consulting Group, with the average half-life of skills now less than five years—and even shorter in some tech fields—organisations must adopt a new approach to upskilling their workforce.

Corporate education has transformed from being an optional investment to an imperative necessity. While companies are swiftly recognising this shift, more concerted efforts are required to leverage the substantial benefits that upskilling offers. This goes beyond employee training; it’s about capitalising on high-growth opportunities by aligning and activating learning around strategic initiatives.

Why choose VCNow Executive Education?

Bespoke Solutions

In upskilling, a one-size-fits-all approach falls short. That’s why our learning solutions revolve around your unique needs. By collaborating closely, we design personalised learning paths that align with your industry, goals and specific challenges.

Trusted Partnerships

We collaborate with top-ranked institutes that place a premium on education. Leveraging the expertise of qualified educators at the cutting edge of their fields, we ensure a high-quality learning experience to drive tangible and impactful results.

End-to-end Management

From need assessment to implementation, we take full ownership of your organisation’s upskilling requirements, drawing on our deep expertise in managing infrastructure and facilitating expert-led content from renowned institutes.

Real-world Applicability

The skills your workforce acquires through our programmes are grounded in pragmatic, real-world applications, ensuring that the knowledge gained immediately applies to your professional environment.

Flexible Approach

Choose from our diverse learning formats, including on-campus, live-online, or centre-based, providing your workforce with the flexibility to learn remotely, collaboratively, or in a blended approach that best suits their individual needs, learning styles and team preferences.

Dynamic Skill Acquisition

Rapid technological advancements are transforming work processes, making certain skills obsolete and demanding new ones. Our custom programmes offer a broad spectrum of new-age skills, knowledge and expertise beyond the conventional paradigms.

Meet your organisational goals with targeted learning

Our Management Development Programmes (MDPs) are transformative learning experiences; that’s why we call them ‘Change-Enablers’. Highly customisable, industry-aligned and adaptive, they are designed to propel your leaders and teams to achieve breakthrough results.

Crafted under the guidance of expert faculties from premium B-schools who go the extra mile in creating cutting-edge content, MDPs are custom-fit to address your organisation’s specific goals, challenges and industry dynamics. They can be accessed online, virtually and in hybrid formats.

How do we engage?

Step 1: Reach out to us to connect with experienced Senior Academic Advisors. Discuss your challenges and goals in upskilling, allowing us to evaluate your unique training needs and team aspirations.

Step 2: Develop a clear roadmap aligned with your specific goals. Leverage VCNow’s network of partner institutes to find the best fit for your needs and receive a comprehensive proposal outlining a customised training programme.

Step 3: Once onboarded, VCNow seamlessly manages the learning journey, ensuring a smooth and efficient implementation and helping you build an upskilled team demonstrating enhanced performance.

# Develop skills in high-demand areas

Digital Technologies

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Digital Transformation

Digital Marketing

Blockchain, IoT & Automation

Leadership & Strategy

Leadership Communication

Visionary Leadership

Conflict Management

Strategic Thinking

Data-driven decision making

ESG & Sustainability

Governance and Ethics

Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR)

Climate Risk Assessment

Environmental Compliance

Public Policy

Sustainable Supply Chains

Data Science & Analytics

Data Interpretation & Visualization

Business Intelligence

Big Data Analytics

Programming (Python, R & more)

Data Warehousing

Business Analytics


Projects & Operations Management

Supply Chain Management



Financial Reporting

Supply Chain Finance

Human Resources

Strategic Performance Management

HR Analytics


Business & Corporate Laws

New Labour Codes

Labour & Employment Laws



  • Upskilling sets the tone for a learning-oriented culture, enabling skill acquisition for a forward-thinking workforce and enhancing productivity and performance.
  • Companies prioritising upskilling demonstrate a commitment to retaining top talent and reducing turnover rates.
  • Upskilling allows for quicker integration of new skills into the workforce than waiting for new employees to become fully productive.
  • Upskilling existing employees often requires less onboarding than bringing in new talent, resulting in cost savings.

Sponsored Candidates

  • Upskilling makes employees feel more confident because their organisation supports their ongoing learning and development.
  • Employees see upskilling as a positive sign that the company is committed to growth and enhancing brand perception.
  • New skills can be applied immediately, making a quick and direct impact on projects and tasks.
  • Upskilling helps employees perform better in their current roles, take on more responsibilities and show improved leadership potential.

Let’s reinvent your workforce together